A close view of a modem with six different ethernet cables plugged into it, representing an Internet service provider’s hub.

Decoding the Optimal Time for Changing Your Internet Service Provider

The Internet has become as important to our homes as water and electricity. We need the Internet to work, relax, and stay connected to our loved ones. Even though the Internet has become a basic utility, that doesn’t mean we’re stuck with only one Internet service provider (ISP) for the rest of our lives. Shopping around for a better ISP actually gives you the opportunity to find better service, support, and technology. In this guide, we’ll look at the challenges associated with switching ISPs, signs it might be time to make a change, and how to make the switch to a better provider.


How often do people switch ISPs?

Research tells us that only 16% of consumers are very likely to change Internet service providers the next chance they get, whether that’s due to moving, contract expiration, or the availability of new ISPs in their area. Regardless of the reason, that’s not a particularly high number, especially when you consider that ISPs, in general, scored 68 on the ACSI's 100-point scale (ranked just below airlines in terms of overall customer satisfaction).


Is it hard to switch Internet service providers?

Though the assumption seems to be that switching Internet service providers is difficult, it’s actually a fairly manageable process. Remember signing up for Internet service to begin with? The process is similar, albeit with the added step of canceling with your existing ISP.

Some challenges and considerations when switching Internet service providers include:

Early Termination Fees

If you're under contract with your current ISP, you may face early termination fees for canceling before the contract term is up. Make sure to factor this into your decision.

Shentel residential Internet plans do not have contracts, so there are no early termination fees. We rely on providing a great experience to make sure you want to keep your Shentel service, not because you’re stuck in a contract.


There may be a brief period without Internet service during the transition. Plan for this, especially if you rely on the Internet for work or other critical activities. In some cases, it is possible to keep your old Internet service up and running until your new service is fully installed, so you can cancel at your leisure. This is particularly true if you are switching from or to a product that doesn’t use the existing coax ports in your home. It’s not always possible, but it may be worth asking about what options are available.

Equipment Compatibility

Ensure that your existing networking equipment (modems, routers, etc.) is compatible with the new ISP's service. Note that some equipment that can technically function with your new service might not enable you to enjoy its full benefits. For example, some routers can only support speeds up to 150 Mbps, so even with a 600 Mbps plan, you’ll only experience the 150 Mbps due to outdated equipment. If your equipment isn’t compatible or won’t allow you to receive the full extent of the service you’re paying for, you may need to purchase or rent new equipment to facilitate your ISP switch.

Renting equipment from a provider may seem more costly than purchasing your own, but keep in mind that if you rent equipment, you can guarantee that the ISP is familiar with the equipment and knows specifically how to provide support on that device. Also, the ISP will take care of updating it when technology becomes obsolete or replacing or repairing it when it malfunctions. When you own your own equipment, that is all your responsibility.

Email and Online Accounts

If your current ISP provides an email address, you'll need to transition to a new email provider to avoid losing access to your email when you cancel your old service.

Changing IP Address

Your IP address may change when you switch ISPs. If you rely on specific IP configurations for remote access or hosting services, you'll need to update them.

Service Reliability

While you might be switching to improve your service, there's always a chance of encountering issues with the new provider. Ensure you have a way to contact customer support if problems arise.


12 reasons to switch Internet providers

The numbers tell us that switching Internet service providers can be a tricky process, even if you’re less-than-thrilled with your current ISP. But there are certain telltale signs that you need to switch providers to get better service and improve your overall quality of life.

Here are some signs that might indicate it's time to consider switching:

1. Poor connection quality

Frequent dropouts, lagging, or inconsistent performance are clear signs that your current provider may not be meeting your needs.

2. Slow speeds

If your Internet speeds consistently fall below what you're paying for, it's a strong indicator that you should explore other Internet options. Run Internet speed tests regularly to check if you're getting what you pay for.

3. Limited availability

If you've moved to a new location and your current provider doesn't offer services there, you'll have no choice but to switch.

4. High costs

If your current provider's pricing has increased significantly and you can find a better deal elsewhere, it might be time to switch to a more cost-effective plan.

Learn more: How to Bring Down the Cost of Your Average Monthly Internet Bill

5. Inadequate customer support

Poor customer service, long wait times for technical support, or unresolved issues are all valid reasons to consider switching. Reliable customer support is essential for any service.

6. Data caps

If your provider enforces data caps that are limiting your Internet usage, and you need more data, you might want to explore alternatives with more generous data allowances.

Learn about Unlimited Data from Shentel

7. Better offers

Keep an eye out for promotions and deals from other providers. Sometimes, competitors offer better packages, including faster download and upload speeds or lower prices for a limited time. Read the fine print on any promotion carefully so you are aware of rate increases at the end of the term or if the promotion locks you into a contract.

8. New technologies

If newer, faster, and more reliable Internet technologies (like Fiber-Optic) become available in your area, it may be worth switching to take advantage of these improvements.

9. Streaming and online activities

If you've adopted new online activities that demand higher bandwidth, such as 4K video streaming or online gaming, you might need to upgrade your plan or switch providers to accommodate these activities.

For example, you may have added more devices to your network over time without giving it much thought. Studies suggest that over the last decade, the average number of devices in a home has increased from around 5 to more than 20.

Each new device (smart plug, smart device, security camera, smartphone, tablet, smart TV, tablet, and more) is taking up more and more bandwidth and could be degrading your experience. A plan that worked for you 10 years ago, when you had fewer devices, may no longer be sufficient. Make sure to choose an ISP with speeds that can handle all the devices in your home.

10. Contract expiration

If you’re on a contract with your current provider and the contract is about to expire, this can be an opportune time to reassess your options and possibly switch without facing early termination fees.

11. Peer recommendations

Ask friends, family, or neighbors about their Internet service experiences. Recommendations from people in your area can provide valuable insights into which providers offer the best service locally.

12. Reliability

Frequent outages or a lack of redundancy in your current provider’s network can be frustrating. If you rely heavily on a stable Internet connection for work or other critical activities, this may be a reason to switch.


How to switch Internet service providers

If you think you’re ready to switch up your Internet service provider, follow these general steps.

Research and choose a new provider

Research ISPs available in your area. Compare their plans, pricing, and customer reviews to find the best fit for your needs.

Not sure what type of Internet you need? Check out our handy guide to understand Internet speeds and more.

Contact your current ISP

Inform your current ISP of your intention to cancel your service. Ask about any early termination fees or contract obligations.

Schedule the switch

Coordinate the timing of your new service installation with the cancellation of your old service to minimize downtime. You won’t want to miss any episodes of your favorite shows!

If downtime is a concern, check with your new provider to see if it is possible under your current setup to keep your original Internet up and running until you are certain the new installation is complete.

Prepare for installation

Ensure your home is ready for the new ISP's installation, which may involve setting up modems, routers, and any necessary equipment. Back up important data, especially if you rely on cloud services. Clear away any clutter around your current modem and near where your current Internet service method enters the house to make it easy for the technician to access. Read any notices or emails from the new provider to make sure there are no additional steps or information needed for your installation.

Cancellation of old service

Follow the cancellation process with your current ISP. Return any equipment (modems, routers, etc.) provided if necessary. Be prepared for possible retention offers or negotiations from your current ISP to try to keep your business (and weigh whether these offers are worth keeping the service).

Installation of new service

Be available during the installation window provided by the new ISP. Usually, an adult is required to be on location during the entire installation process. There may be additional requirements. Check the instructions provided by the new ISP leading up to the installation. Once complete, test your new connection to ensure it's working correctly, then enjoy!

Be sure to ask any questions about how to use the service, any special features, or technical questions you have while the installer is still there.


Ready to make the switch?

Overall, switching ISPs is typically a manageable process, and there’s no better time than the present. At Shentel, we have a wide variety of Internet plans that suit individuals and families of all sizes. No matter your Internet needs, we’ve got you covered. Plus, you’ll receive the support of our fantastic local service team, who’ll make switching a breeze. Contact us today and get the Internet you deserve!